now back to our irregularly scheduled programming...
Okay, so vacation is over, summer's winding down into fall, and I'm finally back in front of my computer. It feels like we're making real progress, though, and I'll soon have good pictures to post!
While I was gone, Josh went about pulling up the kitchen floor (if you look at earlier posts with kitchen pictures you'll see the ugly early-sixties vintage 'tile'-look asbestos-vinyl flooring), only to discover that it was backed with an asbestos paper. He quickly decontaminated and sealed it all up under a nice new plywood subfloor. We've picked some nice new VCT flooring in white with a red border (well, mostly...we had to narrow it down to two 'whites' and order a whole box of each), and after much additional labor we'll have a new floor.
Also while I was gone, someone posted a comment on another earlier post about a nearby house for sale. It goes like this:
"Is this the house at xxx xxx? If so, I just can't believe it because I signed a contract to buy it yesterday. (Seriously!) I just happened to stumble onto your site doing some random 50s searches and I recognized the bathroom. Small world... "
Yes, in fact, it is. I redacted the address since I don't want everyone to know exactly where I live, but yes, that is your house, and I have the best of intentions to come bring you cookies now that you're well settled in.
Anyhow, I promise to be back soon with some nice pictures and news on our gardening (among other stuff!)